Virtual Reality

Meets Mental

Health Treatment

Welcome to the Future! We directly address mental health challenges with Virtual Reality and Artificial Intelligence.

Experience a brand new world of mental healthcare solutions!
Mental health problems don't just go away. They eat at you every day!
Virtual reality therapist
Virtual reality is the next step
in mental healthcare solutions.

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The Triple A Solution

Expensive therapy sessions
and mental health treatment
Therapy session between a patient suffering from a mental health condition and a mental health professional inside a room. They are trying to resolve the patient's challenges.
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In current times when unemployment is high and work is hard to find people are reluctant to care about their mental health. With therapy sessions that can cost up to £250 and not to mention other related costs, a lot of us give up on receiving treatment before even starting it. Neurotops brings back affordability to mental health care by using a subscription model and implementing the use of virtual reality therapy as a treatment method.

Accessibility has always been at the heart of problems when it comes to the mental healthcare industry. Recent surveys show that despite mental health problems increasing exponentially during the pandemic, access to mental health has actually decreased. Neurotops changes how we access mental health treatment. With no more geographical limitations you can now receive help straight from the comfort of your own home.

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Lack of accessibility, long wait times,
time wasted in travel, lack of enough
trained professionals
Person experiencing mental health problems
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Anonymity issues. For some people even speaking with one person face-to-face about your deepest secrets is enough to frighten them out of receiving treatment.
Person being afraid to open up to other people or talk to them face-to-face
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As we know the effectiveness of a treatment is directly linked to how comfortable you are with receiving it. For a lot of people just talking about their problems in front of a stranger can be a harrowing experience. With virtual reality, Neurotops will not only help you remain anonymous but also change the way you interact with your therapist so that it doesn’t feel as intrusive as before.


Neurotops Presents The Triple A Solution


How Does It Work?

Work on your Anxiety and Phobia

with Neurotops

random individual who gave a testimony
Noah Oliver
Hello, how have you been lately?
random individual who gave a testimony
Mia Cristine
Not so good, can we talk?
random individual who gave a testimony
Marcos Kenny
Hey, we are all here for you!



With Neurotops you won’t just be able to receive treatment comfortably but also be part of a community. You can anonymously communicate with other people who are looking to get help and build a social digital environment which can contribute to your emotional well being.




Being part of a community can also bring you immense benefits besides the social aspect. Hearing about people’s success stories and how they got better can motivate and support you so you can overcome your own challenges as well. Improve your psychological well being at a faster rate by engaging with other like-minded individuals.

Image depicting a circle of connections between individuals that goes round and round
Image showing progress and results as a woman is cheering and celebrating her achievements



Your treatment journey will eventually end, but your results will inspire others to seek and get help. Having great results will also boost your confidence in yourself and make your feel like your life has turned a new leaf. Experience how it feels to live your life to its full potential again after you are free from your mental health worries.


Meet the Team

Alex Timofte: Serial Entrepreneur with experience in blockchain and digital systems. MSc Warwick Business School in Management of IT Systems and Digital Innovation

Alex Timofte

Digital Product Manager
Dr. Young Jo: Lead Medical Consultant. Professional Psychiatrist, based in Miami Florida, more than 5 years experience in the field.

Dr. Young Jo

Lead Medical Consultant
Maria Feria: More than nine years of experience in performing data analysis, modelling and designing data pipelines at local and global levels. Lead data engineer for Amazon

Maria Feria

Lead Technical Consultant
Gina Kloes: More than nine years of experience in performing data analysis, modelling and designing data pipelines at local and global levels. Lead data engineer for Amazon

Gina Kloes

CFO and Silicon Valley Lawyer
"Any Sufficiently Advanced Technology is Indistinguishable from Magic."
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Image depicting people interacting with virtual reality
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