Frequently Asked Questions

Why Neurotops?

We believe in a better tomorrow

This is why we're creating a new and improved way of working on your daily challenges. If you are looking for an answer check the ones that we have available and see if we are able to answer it here. If you are unable to find it in our FAQ you can always use the contact page or email us directly with your inquiries.

a photo with FAQ or frequently asked questions written on it as well as chat bubbles with exclamation marks and question marks

What does Neurotops actually do?

Neurotops is currently implementing a way to integrate VR into mental health in a way that will make it accessible to the populace at large. Our aim is to help both mental health patients and professionals with virtual reality treatment solutions as an alternative to traditional methods of tackling such challenges.

How will Neurotops provide its services?

Neurotops' goal is to focus on the AAA of mental health problems: Affordability, Accessibility and Anonymity. In trying to address these we will be working on a subscription-based service. For a monthly fee our customers will receive a VR set and get access to a phone application. With these they can access VR therapy sessions either with A.I. or mental health professionals assistance. Using VR our customers will be able to get the help they need with affordable rates, in the comfort of their own homes and in complete anonymity.

What kind of treatment can I receive with Neurotops?

There will be a large number of possible therapy solutions with our services. From depression and anxiety disorders to phobias and PTSD. Our aim is to expand the VR possibilities to include all traditional treatments and port them into this safer and more secure world.

When will Neurotops services become available?

Neurotops will first undergo a pilot program. After it will finish we estimate that we will officially launch our product and services sometimes during Q3 2023.

What does the pilot program consist of?

Our pilot program will pick 30 people at random from all who will join to receive our services free of charge. This will include the VR headset as well as the possibility to have therapy sessions with an A.I. or a mental health professional.

Is joining the pilot program free?

Yes, joining our pilot program will be free of charge.

Does undergoing therapy in virtual reality work?

Absolutely. Neurotops is not the first and will not be the last to combine virtual reality with mental health solutions. There have been numerous studies and trials conducted with positive and very positive results especially towards PTSD and phobias which can benefit from the safety and control that you get in VR. Polls conducted on mental health patients also revealed that there were between 27% and 46% (depending on country) more individuals willing to try VR therapy than regular one.

Is using virtual reality safe?

Safety is one of the best selling points of VR. When it comes to treating phobias for example, the most effective treatment has been proven time and time again to be exposure therapy. Unfortunately that can also be dangerous and potentially backfire if something unexpected happens. But, with VR exposure therapy treatment as an alternative all those concerns disappear. The setting, environment and situation can be controlled in VR to offer complete safety.

How will a virtual therapy session actually work?

Having a therapy session has never been this accessible before. With Neurotops all you need is your VR set which you will receive as part of the subscription service and our dedicated mobile app. The process will be:-subscribe to one of our subscription services;-receive at your home by delivery the VR headset with a instruction manual for all the necessary steps;-download our application, either on a mobile device or a laptop or desktop PC;-create your avatar, a VR representation of yourself which will be your conduit for interacting with the virtual world;-set up the therapy type and treatment method: either assisted by an A.I. or by a mental health professional; -if you choose to be assisted by a professional you will have an extensive list of experts at your disposal from a network of doctors who are not bound by geographical limitations. These sessions will need to be booked in advance;-you can also customize the VR environment to suit your needs if the presets are not to your liking, after which you can immediately start your therapy session with the push of a button if you chose to be assisted by an A.I.

But why use virtual reality in the first place?

Virtual reality has numerous advantages over traditional methods of mental health treatment. Maybe the most important one is accessibility. You can now receive the treatment that you need in the comfort of your own home. No more geographical limitations. Another advantage is the safety concerns of some of the traditional treatment methods which are no longer there when it comes to VR. Both patients and professionals have a lot more control over the treatment and thus increase its success rate and effectiveness. There is also the added bonus of anonymity. For a lot of people having to bare their inner most secrets to a therapist can be a traumatic experience in itself. Even if it's one person that will know, when it comes to our inner demons, that's one person to many. In VR you can have your therapy sessions assisted by an advanced A.I. You can also choose to be guided by a mental health professional but even then only their voice and/or avatar will be guiding you. The feeling will be similar to meeting an NPC (non-player character) in a game. Also all of the data from the sessions will belong to the patient and only the patient will be able to decide what to do with it and who can have access.

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