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image shows a girl looking out a window from her home while experiencing the state of mind known as loneliness
Mental Health

Virtual Reality as a treatment solution for People With OCD

OCD is a very common mental health condition but which doesn't come up that often in conversations. People often make jokes about individuals who like to be neat or clean their house that they have OCD, but the condition itself is much more debilitating in severe cases.

icon shadow for icon representing person
Julian Sanda
shadow of icon image representing person
November 14, 2022
icon representing a clock
9 min
Mental health
Virtual reality
image shows a girl looking out a window from her home while experiencing the state of mind known as loneliness

The pros and cons of online therapy and how to improve upon it

Online therapy is by no means a new phenomenon. Even before the pandemic made it popular, people and therapists alike were already looking at ways to streamline the process for many different reasons. But is online therapy effective and if yes what are some of its pros and cons?

icon shadow for icon representing person
Julian Sanda
shadow of icon image representing person
September 7, 2022
icon representing a clock
7 min
Mental health
Virtual reality
image shows a girl looking out a window from her home while experiencing the state of mind known as loneliness
Mental Health

Current state of mental health in our society and why you should care

Everyone says we are making progress. Science everywhere points to great developments for the future when it comes to mental health. The problem is that people are facing difficulties now and many can't wait for a solution that could be 10 or even 20 years down the line. So is there anything that can be done, now, about the current state of mental health?

icon shadow for icon representing person
Julian Sanda
shadow of icon image representing person
August 16, 2022
icon representing a clock
9 min
Mental health
image shows a girl looking out a window from her home while experiencing the state of mind known as loneliness
Virtual Reality

Virtual reality therapy for Anxiety and Phobias

Among the many uses of virtual reality when it comes to therapy, using it to treat anxiety and phobias has shown some of the most promising results in both utility and degree of successful treatments.

icon shadow for icon representing person
Julian Sanda
shadow of icon image representing person
July 29, 2022
icon representing a clock
10 min
Virtual reality
Mental health
image shows a girl looking out a window from her home while experiencing the state of mind known as loneliness
Mental Health

The severe after effects of the Covid pandemic on mental health

Sure it may be argued that the pandemic is not nearly over but for a lot of people the lifting of most restrictions and return to normal life is a sign that that it is. Unfortunately, we can't start celebrating since now we have to deal with the aftereffects of not only the virus itself but the measures that were taken as a response.

icon shadow for icon representing person
Julian Sanda
shadow of icon image representing person
June 29, 2022
icon representing a clock
10 min
Mental health
image shows a girl looking out a window from her home while experiencing the state of mind known as loneliness
Mental Health

The impact of media and social media on our mental health

The current mental health crisis is something of our own doing. The media industry is something that we created as a tool for information but it grew into a monster with far too much power and control. And the price for creating this monster is the constant deteriorating of our mental health.

icon shadow for icon representing person
Julian Sanda
shadow of icon image representing person
June 9, 2022
icon representing a clock
8 min
Mental health
Virtual reality
image shows a girl looking out a window from her home while experiencing the state of mind known as loneliness
Mental Health

Neurotops presents: The triple A mental health solution!

Looking for problems is easier than looking for solutions. And if we were to start counting all the problems with the current mental health system we might never stop. But we can actually summarize them into 3 main categories: accessibility, affordability and anonymity. Let's explore the solutions to these problems that Neurotops has come up with.

icon shadow for icon representing person
Julian Sanda
shadow of icon image representing person
May 2, 2022
icon representing a clock
6 min
Mental health
Virtual reality
image shows a girl looking out a window from her home while experiencing the state of mind known as loneliness
Virtual Reality

Virtual Reality, a Mental Health Solution for Kids and Adolescents

In times of crisis humanity seems to be able to focus better and innovate in order to overcome it. Today, mental health problems are very prevalent and are also rising at an alarming rate. Is it time to look at new innovative mental health treatment solutions?

icon shadow for icon representing person
Julian Sanda
shadow of icon image representing person
April 18, 2022
icon representing a clock
7 min
Mental health
Virtual reality
image shows a girl looking out a window from her home while experiencing the state of mind known as loneliness

Loneliness, the next generation symptom of a declining society

Why do we even feel lonely? Don't we have so many "friends" on social media platforms that we could talk to and socialize? Aren't there so many like-minded people to talk to and share ideas? Just like many other things there is more to loneliness than meets the eye.

icon shadow for icon representing person
Julian Sanda
shadow of icon image representing person
April 4, 2022
icon representing a clock
8 min
Mental health
image shows a girl looking out a window from her home while experiencing the state of mind known as loneliness
Mental Health

Mental health problems are trendy. This needs to stop!

There is a reason why the middle path is often said to be the golden path. That's because it is better than swinging to the extremes. In this case mental health awareness is great to have but mental health problems becoming the new punk or emo trend is definitely something that needs to be addressed.

icon shadow for icon representing person
Julian Sanda
shadow of icon image representing person
November 27, 2021
icon representing a clock
8 min
Mental health
image shows a girl looking out a window from her home while experiencing the state of mind known as loneliness
Mental Health

The consequences of untreated mental health problems

Mental health problems that go untreated for long periods of times can not only become worse but also cause a plethora of other problems. These problems can affect an individual's entire life from his health to his social life and job.

icon shadow for icon representing person
Julian Sanda
shadow of icon image representing person
December 20, 2021
icon representing a clock
5 min
Mental health
image shows a girl looking out a window from her home while experiencing the state of mind known as loneliness
Virtual Reality

VR Exposure Therapy as treatment for Anxiety Disorders

Traditional methods of dealing with anxiety involve exposing the patient to the object of their anxiety. Even dough this method is the most effective it is also the most unpleasant. But with virtual reality people can more easily interact with their anxiety triggers since they know they are in a completely safe environment.

icon shadow for icon representing person
Julian Sanda
shadow of icon image representing person
January 7, 2022
icon representing a clock
6 min
Mental health
Virtual reality
image shows a girl looking out a window from her home while experiencing the state of mind known as loneliness

Top 5 ways you can improve your mental health

Our mental health is more important than we realize. This is why we should strive to keep in a great shape, the same way we do with our bodies when we want to live a healthy lifestyle.

icon shadow for icon representing person
Julian Sanda
shadow of icon image representing person
February 18, 2022
icon representing a clock
5 min
Mental health
image shows a girl looking out a window from her home while experiencing the state of mind known as loneliness

Researchers design flexible membrane to make VR tactile

Virtual reality technology is rapidly advancing towards a future where we will be able not only to see and interact with the environment using remote controllers but also experience the sense of touch. There are a couple different approaches to making this a reality already and we are exited to see what's instore for us next!

icon shadow for icon representing person
Julian Sanda
shadow of icon image representing person
March 2, 2022
icon representing a clock
5 min
Virtual reality

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